Welcome to the Get Involved Section of our website

A big welcome to the Get Involved section of our website.

Take a look at some of the options on the left. Under the option Participation you will find Tenants Meeting dates.  The Tenants View Forum is where you can get involved and scrutinise our performance and help improve our service to you. Under Performance and Scrutiny you will find out not only our own results in each area but also a copy of the annual Housing Regulator's Report.

Therefore, in the Get Involved section you will find answers to more specific questions such as:

  • When is the next tenants group meeting in my area?
  • How do I set up a Tenant's Group?
  • What is the Scottish Social Housing Charter (SSHC) and what does it mean to me?
  • What happened at the last Tenants View Forum meeting?
  • What is in the Tenants' Newsletter?

We obtain feedback from tenants through a variety of mechanisms: this enables us to undertake service improvement where required. We publicise our approach and continue to offer our tenants  a variety of ways in which they can participate in the monitoring and development of our services. We encourage tenants to be involved at a level that suits their requirements and we provide the opportunities for this engagement wherever possible, in the decision-making process. Click here for ways to get involved.

If you have any ideas or questions for the Get Involved section, please contact Angela Laley, Head of Corporate Services, at the office.