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Enter Our Drawing Competition - Year of Young People 2018

Year of Young People 2018 – Enter our Drawing Competition!

The Scottish Government has made 2018 The Year of Young People. This programme  aims to inspire Scotland through its young people, celebrating their achievements, valuing their contribution to communities and creating new opportunities for them to shine locally, nationally and globally.

EventScotland will deliver a programme of events for all ages, and Young Scot, Children in Scotland, the Scottish Youth Parliament and YouthLink Scotland will lead youth participation and involvement in the Year. 

Log on to for more information.

As part of this, we are running a drawing competition for all children living in a Forth home, under the age of 16 years. The drawing is to be of your home. Entries should be no larger than A4 and should be returned to our office by 31st May  2018, clearly marked with entrants name, address and age.


All successful winners will be featured in our Annual Report/Calendar for 2018/19 and will also win a voucher for £25 if the drawing is published.