Anyone aged 16 or over can apply to Forth. You can also apply to other housing organisations in the area. Click here for details of other housing organisations.

You can download a Housing Application by clicking here.

Alternatively, you can request a Housing Application by phoning our office on 01786 446066 or e mail

To download the Housing Application Proof checklist click here.

To download the Medical Assessment Form click here.

When we receive your application, we will;

• Assess your application. • Request a tenancy reference if applicable. • Write to you if further information is required to support your application. • Point your application in line with the Allocations Policy. • Write to you within 10 days with information on your points level.

We operate a group plus points system based upon housing need to enable us to allocate the properties to  people who have genuine unmet housing need.

An offer will be made to the applicant who has the most points for the size and type of house available.

Click here  for a copy of our allocations policy.

Click here for a copy of our medical assessment form.

Click here for a copy of our Summer 2024 Housing List News leaflet.

The Association has a nominations agreement with Stirling Council, whereby 50% of our properties available for rent, are given to the Council, to provide nominations. It is important that you complete a housing application form with them, as this will significantly improve the likelihood of re-housing with Forth.

If your circumstances change, you must let us know immediately. We will review your application at least once a year to ensure your information is correct, and that you are still interested in housing with Forth.

For a list of other organisations in your area, click here.