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Management Committee Meeting Oct 18

Management Committee Briefing

The following points were covered at the October 2018 Committee Meeting:
 An updated Business Plan was considered and in the light of this the Management Committee concluded that they would wish to maintain the current constitutional arrangements and seek to recruit a new Director to succeed John Cameron upon his retirement.
 EVH will be engaged to assist the Office-bearers progress the Director recruitment.
 The office closure arrangements for the festive period were agreed.
 The quarterly Housing Management report was considered and the following noted:
o 164 applications for housing were received in the quarter
o 13 new homes and 12 existing homes became available for letting and the average relet time was 3.2 days
o 100% of new tenant visits were achieved within target and tenancy sustainment rates rose to 98%
o The number of anti-social behaviour complaints fel to 12, with no very serious issues reported.
o Current rent arrears fell to 1.99% although 78 Universal credit claimants have rent arrears
o Universal Credit difficulties continue to dominate the work of the
Income Maximisation Officer
 The kitchen replacement tender was considered and Committee agreed to award the contract to the lowest priced tenderer MCN Scotland Ltd
 The half year review of the Business Plan was considered and a small number of changes were agreed to the Risk Assessment and Performance Targets.
John Cameron